September 30, 2018

Japan PI >> Blog >> 2018 >> September >> 30
Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics Investigations

The principal policy of Japan PI is result-oriented services. We will adopt any investigation methods that are effective, depending on the specific situation the client needs to solve. In this digital era, there are numerous cases where digital investigations are much more efficient than conventional physical examinations, such as surveillance and interviews. We explain some of the situations where digital forensics play a significant role in fact-finding procedures. The digital


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Digital Forensics

Digital Forensics Investigations

The principal policy of Japan PI is result-oriented services. We will adopt any investigation methods that are effective, depending on the specific situation the client needs to solve. In this digital era, there are numerous cases where digital investigations are much more efficient than conventional physical examinations, such as surveillance and interviews. We explain some of the situations where digital forensics play a significant role in fact-finding procedures. The digital

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