December 2011

Japan PI >> Blog >> 2011 >> December

Data leak incidents related to PIs

In November 2011, five people including a PI along with lawyers got arrested for obtaining residential/Family records without the purposeof litigation. This happened because they worked for the Japanesebiggest anti-social syndicate and were asked to search the householdof the police investigators who are in charge of the syndicate. In 2004, there was a huge political scandal with regards to the respective number of politicians failing to make mandatory social pension


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Data leak incidents related to PIs

In November 2011, five people including a PI along with lawyers got arrested for obtaining residential/Family records without the purposeof litigation. This happened because they worked for the Japanesebiggest anti-social syndicate and were asked to search the householdof the police investigators who are in charge of the syndicate. In 2004, there was a huge political scandal with regards to the respective number of politicians failing to make mandatory social pension

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