December 12, 2016

Japan PI >> Blog >> 2016 >> December >> 12

Strict privacy laws and missing persons case

It is not easy to search for people in Japan due to; Restrictive privacy laws Flaws of government’s documenting system of citizens There are no comprehensive proprietary databases for people search or background checks in Japan, which will be the standard in common law based countries because there are no public records in Japan except for corporate registry and real estate registry records. Even multi-national data broker giants have never


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Strict privacy laws and missing persons case

It is not easy to search for people in Japan due to; Restrictive privacy laws Flaws of government’s documenting system of citizens There are no comprehensive proprietary databases for people search or background checks in Japan, which will be the standard in common law based countries because there are no public records in Japan except for corporate registry and real estate registry records. Even multi-national data broker giants have never

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